here a simple project that will run:
A few small remarks. (you didn't include TGlobalHelpModul but we can just strip it)
*) You don't have a "inherited;" in the TMyDataBaseConnector.Create. Although TObject.Create doesn't do much... it's best practice to always call inherited;
*) You have some major leaks

You do TSQLite3Connection.Create(
nil); That's ok because you do sqlite3.Free at the end, so you can use nil.
But you also have TSQLTransaction.Create(
nil); and TSQLQuery.Create(
nil); You don't free those.
So either use an owner, like TSQLTransaction.Create(
sqlite3); and TSQLQuery.Create(
sqlite3); , so the will also free the transaction and sqlquery.
Or... free them separately in the finally section. The first method is easier (because then you can't forget

/edit/ I see you did SQLQuery.Create(
sqlite3); etc with the earlier example but changed it in nil (creating the memory leak).
*) You have CheckUserEntry := ''; at the end of the function. Although you can use the function-name for the result... it might be easier to read if you use Result := ''; (or other string).
*) You don't need var DBModul: TMyDataBaseConnector; because in project1 you use MyDataBase as 'local' variable.
But overall... yes, you're on your way...