I know I might be a little unreasonable...
A little?
Once again, this a software tool we are talking about.
I know programmers at all experience levels who benefit from it.
And use it as a learning aid.
Just like some find no benefit (for themselves personally) in RAD tools like Lazarus for what they do when programming, it is fine that some don't like the idea of AI tools.
So you go to write a complex configuration file for something (that has no IP (intellectual property in it)) that you use to know how to do 10 years ago, and it took you days to learn the first time around.
But you don't want to spend hours on a refresh, you remember the high level concepts, have a quick AI chat, and in a few minutes have a working configuration file.
You get your application up and running in under 10 minutes, rather then spending a half a day.
Same goes for some non IP code snippet someone does not remember how to do off the top of their head. Why spend hours instead of minutes?
Will AI tools replace sysadmins and programmers? I don't believe that will happen in the foreseeable future. Anyone who says the contrary I do not believe have used AI programming aids extensively.
I see AI as an amplifier of existing skills, just like any other tool.
But to deride anyone who uses tools you don't like, that is not showing common courteously.
Yes, users of different OSes can get very hostile towards those not using their OS.
But they can also be very helpful to users of OSes when it comes to a common programming language passion.
Yes, many users in the forum don't like AI. I understand that.
But their are also users that think very lowly of Linux, others that think very lowly of MacOS, and others that think very lowly of Windows.
Should all users that think very lowly of the other OSes deride users posting free pascal or Lazarus questions concerning their use on an OS other than their favorite?