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A simple question for Mac users about Lazarus 4.0rc1
I'm pleased to report that the problem seems to be sorted. There was an old installation of FPC lurking the the depths of my /usr/local file system which, although not on the system path, somehow was screwing up the Lazarus make system for the IDE rebuild. Notably, FpcUpDeluxe had no such problems building Lazarus from source 😮
Now the rebuild runs without error, Lazarus restarts automatically, and my test component installs. Lo, there is singing and dancing in the streets at this joyous news ;)
I've updated the bug report
It'll probably get a reply now... 😮
Use fpc -va to find out what goes on....
Well, 99% of it.
fpc will locate a ppc for your CPU target. I don't know the exact rules for that. But afaik that can be in path, or somewhere local, not sure.
Then ppc will find an fpc.cfg. And that looks in several well know locations. If you have an installed fpc, it is very likely it found that fpc.cfg.
And then it uses the ppu of the RTL of that installed version (ignoring its own).
If you need more than one fpc => make sure you don't have such a global install. Make sure no such fpc.cfg exists.
Mind, it is possible to have multiple fpc, and one of them proper installed. But it's extremely easy to screw up.
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