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A simple question for Mac users about Lazarus 4.0rc1

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* Mac Mini M1
* macOS 14.6.1
* Lazarus 3.99
* Lazarus 4.0rc1
* FPC 3.3.1

The question...

Has any one managed to install Lazarus 4.0rc1 on macOS (I'm using 14.6.1...) and have you managed to install any components in addition to the default components?

Some context...

Could you do me a favour and try the attached test package? I've been trying to get Lazarus 4.0rc1 to install it for two days now, and I'd like to establish whether it can be done at all, or whether there are serious issues with Lazarus 4.0rc1 for macOS and the last two days have sent me on a fool's errand :o

I've tried it with the download specifically for macOS aarch64 at

I've also tried downloading the source from and building with...
make clean all bigide FPC="~/Applications/lazarus_4.0/fpc/bin/aarch64-darwin/"
In both cases, when the Lazarus IDE is rebuilt following the attempt to install the new component, the lazarus executable is being built afresh, but the new component is not being installed. I also notice that packages from the Install/Uninstall Packages and the Online Package Manager do not install any new components :o

My apologies, if you think I am going on about this issue a bit too much!

It's just that after 2 days of exhausting every possibility I can think of to get it to work, I would just like to know that at least one other person has succeeded in installing a component in Lazarus 4.0rc1 for macOS.

If it turns out that no-one has, then surely this makes it worthy of some rather urgent attention from the Lazarus devs. No one wants a defective final release :o

If someone has managed to get it to work, then maybe they can help me figure out where I have gone wrong, or at least I will know that I'm not wasting my time trying to get something to work, that is fundamentally broken.


--- Quote from: carl_caulkett on October 30, 2024, 05:42:51 pm ---My apologies, if you think I am going on about this issue a bit too much!

--- End quote ---
At least you are persistent  :)

You probably already heard it before but just to make sure: make sure to install everything in user space (e.g. a location where you have the right to read/write and execute). Make sure that no OS intervention is able to take place (antivirus, firewall, whatever other protection that might be able to run). If that still produce the same issues for you then make detailed notes of what you did to setup/install and file a report with all relevant information.

There are other people using a mac so would have expected to have seen more reports (but perhaps they will arrive later).

It occurred to me that I've been using fpc 3.3.1 in all my attempts so far, so I installed 3.2.2 under my Lazarus_4.0 folder which I moved to my own user folder. I also chmod -R 755'd everything and chown -R carlcaulkett:staff'd everything. I made sure to set all of the correct settings in the initialisation dialog.

I amended my component code to...

--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---unit testEdit; {$mode ObjFPC}{$H+} interface uses  Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type  TtestEdit = class(TEdit)  end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register;begin  RegisterComponents('Test',[TtestEdit]);  ShowMessage('Register called');            // <== added thisend; end.  

On trying to install the component and rebuilding the IDE and restarting, the 'Register called' message does not appear and the component is not added. However the timestamp of the lazarus executable show that it is being rebuilt and written to disk. This suggests that in 4.0rc1, on macOS at least, Lazarus is not even attempting to call Register. This is why, presumably, third party component packages fail to install, as well.

If I do the same operation in fpc 3.31/Laz 3.99, the 'Register called' message does appear when Lazarus restarts and the component is added to the library.

If some OS intervention is taking place, it must be very selective, choosing to affect Lazarus 4.0rc1 and not Lazarus 3.99 ;)


--- Quote from: TRon on October 30, 2024, 06:02:54 pm ---You probably already heard it before but just to make sure: make sure to install everything in user space (e.g. a location where you have the right to read/write and execute). Make sure that no OS intervention is able to take place (antivirus, firewall, whatever other protection that might be able to run). If that still produce the same issues for you then make detailed notes of what you did to setup/install and file a report with all relevant information.

There are other people using a mac so would have expected to have seen more reports (but perhaps they will arrive later).

--- End quote ---

I've submitted a bug report at


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