Forum > Database
zMemTable issues
Couple of issues with Zeus Lib - zMemTable
How do I use the visual controls - I created a zMemTable i.e. dropped on the form.
Set all the properties as required, then created fields I need etc.
When I run the form it crashes when the zMemTable is opened.
As a work around I coded the creation on all fields then opened the table this works all good.
Except small clear box appears on the form top left and overlays the objects underneath.
Is there something I am forgetting to set for the mem table - looked for visible option but not available.
This small square is likely the icon for the zMemTable which I already have on the form.
Connect it to e.g. a TDbGrid. It is not a visual component, but a data provider.
--- Quote from: Thaddy on October 30, 2024, 09:08:29 am ---Connect it to e.g. a TDbGrid. It is not a visual component, but a data provider.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the reply.
I do connect the zMemTable to a DBGrid and all works fine.
The issue is that on the form top left an invisible box overlays the form see image attached.
That should only be the case during design time. If you run your program it should disappear...
--- Quote from: Thaddy on October 30, 2024, 09:45:02 am ---That should only be the case during design time. If you run your program it should disappear...
--- End quote ---
No exactly the opposite at design time I can see the zMemTable and I can place it on the form (it is towards the bottom of form).
When I try to open it give 'field not found xxxx' where xxxx is the first field in the table if I visually check the zMemTable all fields are defined.
If leave the zMemTable on the form and create the zMemTable fields programmatically then I can open the table all is well except for the little square at the top of the form (see picture) if I remove the code the square goes away.
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