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Errors when building FPC from source

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--- Quote from: TRon on October 30, 2024, 05:58:04 am ---
--- Quote from: Aruna on October 29, 2024, 11:55:17 am ---Oh this is totally unrelated and way off-topic but who are the core dev's for lazarus? And who are the core dev's for fpc?

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To keep it simple:
- For Free pascal, see here
- For Lazarus, see here
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Hey many thanks. 

--- Quote from: TRon on October 30, 2024, 05:58:04 am ---But, having said that please also realize that there are tens if not hundreds of other people that contribute (or have contributed over the years) to both projects by various means (also to other associated projects such as f.e. the help).

It is just that they do not have (or do not want to have) the right to make certain decisions.
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Alright, understood and respected.

--- Quote from: TRon on October 30, 2024, 05:58:04 am ---
--- Quote from: Aruna on October 29, 2024, 03:05:53 pm ---I have a working laz-ide again but I want to start from scratch and document all the possible brick walls one can hit when doing this without the convenience of a package manager.

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In case you want to do everything manually then there a few basic steps:
for FPC:
- get a bootstrap compiler (FPC-downloads, sourceforge)
- retrieve the source-code for the compiler version that should be build (git, gitlab, FPC-downloads, sourceforge)
- build the compiler with make using the bootstrap compiler
- install the freshly build compiler (make)
- configure the compiler for user specific setup (fpc.cfg) either manually or by using fpmkcfg
- test the compiler

for Lazarus:
- retrieve the source-code for the IDE version that should be build (git, gitlab, FPC-downloads, sourceforge)
- build the IDE with make using your freshly installed compiler
- install the freshly build Lazarus (make)
- make sure to set/configure the pcp directory
- optionally make a (menu) shortcut for your freshly build IDE
- test lazarus

Explaining each individual step is more complicated and depends on (and/or can depend on) platform, architecture, preferences, future plans and how someone want to have things setup.

The most easy way to install is ofc. using the package manager supplied by the OS and use their FPC and Lazarus packages. The downside of that solution is that there is hardly any upgrade path and/or room for personal preferences ad/or customization.
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Thank you very much for this. I want to do this 'manually' for a reason, so 'I' learn how and what goes where and why?  :)

--- Quote from: TRon on October 30, 2024, 05:58:04 am ---
--- Quote from: Aruna on October 29, 2024, 08:31:57 pm ---Have a look HERE and then HERE

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Thank you for sharing and the shout-out. Man, you look wasted there (no offense). Please take good care of yourself !

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No offence taken and yes I was quite out-of-it I just wanted to get the video done and sleep :)  I mean who starts testing a keyboard without turning on the power to the USB-hub first? In my defence I have done worse :))


--- Quote from: marcov on October 30, 2024, 11:55:44 am ---Moderator notice: offtopic IRC messages and follow ups removed after complaints.

Please report off topic posts, don't reply to them.

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My Apologies @marcov will not happen again!

Aruna, here is my model for installing FPC and Lazarus, its chiefly about being quick and saving disk space.

I started doing this on VMs initially because I have so many and disk space is an issue. If you want FPC 3.2.4rc1, first you have to FPC322 to build it, and thats slow on a one cpu VM. My model is to have a tar of the compiled binaries and source on hand, untar it from #HOME and it ends up exactly where I want it, under $HOME/bin. Its very quick, resolves dependencies, installs a fpc.cfg. And easily deleted to save disk space before I close the VM.

My current script for downloading, building and configuring Lazarus is there too. I have been using these for awhile, but needed to do a lot of clean ups and sanity checks before going public.

I do not consider this, in any way, rival to FPCUPDELUXE, it is limited to -
[x] 64 bit Linux
[x] FPC 3.20, 3.2.2 and 3.2.4rc1
[x] Assumes a reasonably knowledgeable user, and one who wants to know where things
are !
[x] Has none of the fine detail or user friendlyness.

Right now, its a very convenient way to get the FPC release candidate at least.



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