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Problems installing design time package in Lazarus 4.0 RC1

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Well docking is still a package. It is no installed by default.
It can still be uninstalled, or due to whatever issue you have not been activated.


--- Quote from: Martin_fr on October 29, 2024, 09:51:55 pm ---You can check the date of the app/executable. You can also make sure to start the correct one yourself.

--- End quote ---

I think you may have cracked it @Martin-fr :D

I'm just trying something now. I'll report back soon!

I reinstalled Lazarus 4.0rc1 under ~/Applications/Lazarus_4.0 rather than /Applications/Lazarus_4.0 thinking that maybe running under my own user area might be a bit more relaxed about rebuilding the lazarus executable. Indeed now, when I do an IDE rebuild, the lazarus executable is being updated whereas it wasn't before.

However, the test component is still not being added :o


--- Quote from: Martin_fr on October 29, 2024, 10:58:39 pm ---Well docking is still a package. It is no installed by default.
It can still be uninstalled, or due to whatever issue you have not been activated.

--- End quote ---

Unfortunately the Docking package seems pretty much unusable compared to how it behaves in 4.0rc1.


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