One of the things I discovered while digging around
4.0rc1 was that there is an option in
Settings -> Environment -> IDE Startup -> Initial Checks whereby if you check
"Quickcheck Fppkg configuration at start" you get the intial dialog where you can select various options. Great, I thought, I'll do that in
3.99 and at least I'll have a working environment with docked forms. Not so! Lazarus refused to honour this setting... Grrrgh
Is there any other way of invoking this
IDE Startup option?
I had a dig around and found this the lazarusfppkg.pas project in /Applications/Lazarus_aarch64/lazarus/components/fppkg/standalone and tried to build it. I managed to get round the first stumbling block by adding ../../buildintf to the Paths setting in Project Options, but now it's falling over on these lines...
procedure TFppkgForm.LoadFppkgConfiguration;
i: Integer;
FFPpkg.InitializeGlobalOptions(IDEEnvironmentOptions.GetParsedFppkgConfig); // <== Cannot find IDEEnvironmentOptions
FFPpkg.Options.GlobalSection.Downloader := 'FPC';
I thought that
IDEEnvironmentOptions might be a unit where
GetParsedFppkgConfig is defined, but no, it seems to be a global variable! On searching for
IDEEnvironmentOptions := I found an entry in
/Applications/Lazarus_aarch64/lazarus/ide/buildmanager.pas but it's late and am too tired to work out how to get a working reference to it. I know you've mentioned it in the past, @Davo, so any clues would be really welcome