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Problems installing design time package in Lazarus 4.0 RC1

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* Mac Mini M1
* macOS 14.6.1
* Lazarus 4.0 RC1
* FPC 3.3.1

Following on from my thread at,69085.0.html, it seems that I am not quite out of the woods yet! I don't know if it's because of the problems I'm having with the startlazarus loader, but I am not able to installed a design time package which worked perfectly well on Lazarus 3.99. If someone could try it out and report back, I would be very grateful!

The library is called caLibrary and consists of a runtime package calibraryrun.lpk and calibrarydsgn.lpk. calibraryrun.lpk seems to build okay, and it looks as if calibrarydsgn.lpk builds okay when the install is started. However, Lazarus does not restart successfully and I'm wondering if this is stopping the control being added to the component palette. It is supposed to produce a component called TcaEdit on the caControls tab.

Can I broaden the question: Has anyone been able to install a new component in Lazarus 4.0 RC1? Try this combined design and runtime package. It installs in 3.99 but not on 4.0 RC1 :o

Yes, I have a working 4.0rc1 (on linux) and have installed kcontrols (design and run time) without problems.  And minor packages like IdentifierDictionary.

But I built my initial 4.0rc1 from source so know I have a working system.  That may not solve your problem (you are, after all using beta software) but will allow you to identify the problem.



--- Quote from: dbannon on October 29, 2024, 12:17:33 am ---Yes, I have a working 4.0rc1 (on linux) and have installed kcontrols (design and run time) without problems.  And minor packages like IdentifierDictionary.

But I built my initial 4.0rc1 from source so know I have a working system.  That may not solve your problem (you are, after all using beta software) but will allow you to identify the problem.


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Thanks for the reply, Davo! Installing from source may have to be my next step, now that you've confirmed that installing components is possible with 4.0RC1...


--- Quote from: carl_caulkett on October 28, 2024, 06:25:19 pm ---Try this combined design and runtime package. It installs in 3.99 but not on 4.0 RC1 :o

--- End quote ---
That package installed without any issues for me on Lazarus 4.0rc1 (though Linux x86_64).

--- Quote from: carl_caulkett on October 28, 2024, 05:58:19 pm ---However, Lazarus does not restart successfully and I'm wondering if this is stopping the control being added to the component palette. It is supposed to produce a component called TcaEdit on the caControls tab.

--- End quote ---
When Lazarus is unable to restart that means that there is an issue with the component it tried to install. In case the compilation of the package itself succeeded (the message window is able to show that) then you can assume Lazarus tries to incorporate that package on the rebuild.

However, when there is something wrong with the component itself (that is a very broad spectrum) then it might be able to 'crash' the IDE, resulting in failure to load the IDE.

Under normal circumstances Lazarus is able to detect this situation and tries to reload an older version of the IDE (it made a backup of itself just before doing a rebuild) which I have not seen failed (yet). As mentioned before afaik that is a feature specific to startlazarus (and as mentioned before, I do not know if that works the same for MacOS).

The problem is that the number of issues that could go wrong is pretty substantial and with that a variety of different causes and corresponding solutions.

That is why I mentioned before to not mix installations, not have a 'normal' system wide installed FPC/Lazarus setup (in case using FPCUpDeluxe, even though it should not matter but it sure can). To complicate things further you have rosetta that allows to mix-match between architectures.

That is why it is very important to distinguish these things and make a clear distinction between one and the other. If things are not clear for you then it is almost impossible to provide any help that is actually helpful for you.

For example, the fact that you seem to be mixing/trying 3.99 and 4.0rc1 both at the same time is already a warning sign (of things that could go wrong).


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