
Author Topic: Not able to install "fpc-src-3.2.2-20210709-macosx.dmg" on MacOs Sequoia ( 15.0  (Read 2328 times)


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Hello together,

I woul install Lazarus 3.6 on my Mac.
The version i had installes was 2.4.

After updating i could not compile my IDE because some missing unit's from Lazarus.
So i install it complete and try to install all three packages.

fpc-3.2.2.intelarm64-macosx.dmg.         O.K.
fpc-src-3.2.2-20210709-macosx.dmg     Installer not compatible with MacOs Sequoia !
Lazarus-3.6-macosx-x86_64.pkg.          Not tried because the problem on installing the sources

It would be nice if anyone has an idea!

Thank you and BR from Austria


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    • tomboy-ng, a rewrite of the classic Tomboy
Gee, I really cannot imagine how the src install can be incompatible !  Its just a tree of source code, plain text !  Is that exactly the error message you got ?

I am not sure where it gets installed to, perhaps Apple has changed the directory structure ? 

The source package being missing should not stop you installing Lazarus, its won't be a problem until Lazarus starts up for the first time. You could, if feeling brave, just grab the source in a tar.gz format, untar it to somewhere in your home directory and then, when you start Lazarus and it complains it cannot find the source, you jump in and say "I will show you where it is !"

Or, open the dmg installer and drag it to a location of your choosing.


Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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I am having the problem. This what I get - This installer package is incompatible with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for support. I'm running it on Apple M1 Max on macOS Sequoia Version 15.0.1.


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Not sure if it is related to the issue but did you update the Xcode and command line tools when you installed macOS Sequoia 15.0
« Last Edit: October 04, 2024, 09:48:32 am by daniel_sap »


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Yes I did thanks.


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    • tomboy-ng, a rewrite of the classic Tomboy
is this the same as RPRI reported, that you cannot install the FPC Source package ?

If so, as I said above, the FPC Source package just un-tars or un-zips a tree into where it thinks it should be. FPC has no interest in where the source tree is, Lazarus only likes to know where it is for debugging purposes. So, maybe, manually uncompress it yourself where ever you can.

I cannot reproduce this problem, I don't use Sequoia. My guess is that the Lazarus developers don't use Sequoia either. So, realistically, the only way you will get it fixed is to find our what the problem really is and tell them !

Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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It has to do with the fps compiler......
3.2.2 gives an error even with FPCUPDeluxe.
Developer knows this

And that is why I reverted back to Sonoma on my MacBook Pro from 2016
« Last Edit: October 08, 2024, 07:30:24 am by madref »
You treat a disease, you win, you lose.
You treat a person and I guarantee you, you win, no matter the outcome.

Main Platform:
Mac OS X Sonoma 14.7
Lazarus 3.99 (Lazarus 3.99 (rev main_3_99-2668-g6b352d830e) FPC 3.3.1 x86_64-darwin-cocoa)

Windows 10 Pro
Lazarus 3.99 (rev cbfd80ce39)


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Someone please review the macOS install script.

Maybe some i386 leftover? Maybe some old tool is used?


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There's definitely mention of i386 stuff in that script:

"This scripts builds i386/x86-64 "fat" binaries of i386/x86-64 compilers, and also of ppc/ppc64 and
# jvm cross-compilers"

...but it seems intentional rather than leftover.


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    • tomboy-ng, a rewrite of the classic Tomboy
Someone please review the macOS install script.

Maybe some i386 leftover? Maybe some old tool is used?

That script appears to be all about compiler and cross compiler. The issue in this thread is the source install I believe.

Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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    • tomboy-ng, a rewrite of the classic Tomboy
So, I had a look at the source .dmg on my Mac Monterey. And it 'appeared' as if it was going to install fine. In fact, I am somewhat certain its the same one as already installed (a year or so ago?).

The dmg itself is not just a straight forward tar/zip/whatever of the files as I expected. Firstly, it forces you to agree to the license and then seems to have a possibly unusual * compression used on the data. Maybe Apple has decided to block either that agreement model (?) or dropped support for that compressor ?

Then it seems to want to "run" an installer, when all that is needed is a drag n drop into /usr/local/share/.

Anyway, it needs to be solved. Easiest approach would be for me to send you a tarball of the FPC 3.2.4-rc1 and another of its source. You almost certainly want to be using that, not fpc3.2.2.  But it won't solve the problem, just work around it.

I could try and package the source using the same packaging tools I use for my application, will take a bit of time but I can put that time in IFF there is someone at the other end who can test it and give some meaningful feedback. That would, at least, give us an indication that the packaging model used back in 2021 has passed its use-by date ?  If we can prove the installer is at fault, it would be worth logging a bug report.

Who wants to play ?

* Nothing I say wrt MacOs should be taken, in any way, as authoritative !

Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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As a hint, nobody out there on Sequoia that is able to analyze the dmg file ?

Apparently there is a problem on that specific OS with older formatted DMG files but the OS refuses to inform about what exactly the issue is ?

I have tried to find anything meaningful but as usual Apple itself seems to apply the silence is golden rule and the number of useless hits I get about downloading Macos sequoia in dmg file-format (from non official sources) are overwhelming.

As mentioned by dbannon it seems like support for something specific for/inside a DMG file was dropped. The crux is to figure out what exactly.
I do not have to remember anything anymore thanks to total-recall.


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    • tomboy-ng, a rewrite of the classic Tomboy
I don't know what tool is used to build the src dmg, my guess is its out of date, was last built back in 2021. But the binary installer works ?? So, you have to wonder....

But not much will happen if people like you or I log a bug report, "it does not work", we need a much better idea of what the problem is.

I use for my app, have not had any complains but don't have a lot of Mac users. create-dmg does not seem to have any bug reports that are relevant.


Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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    • tomboy-ng, a rewrite of the classic Tomboy
Hi, notice the announcement about Lazarus 4.0 rc1 ?,69059.0.html

"The macOS release now uses the fpc 3.2.2 universal binary installer and a zip file containing the fpc sources and the prebuilt Lazarus. There is one zip file for Intel Macs and one for Apple M1+ Macs."

Trust the Lazarus devs to look after us !  A good solution !

( So far only the Intel one appears to be present but I guess the other is on its way.) of course there is only the Intel one in the Intel subdirectory, sigh....


« Last Edit: October 27, 2024, 10:54:51 am by dbannon »
Lazarus 3, Linux (and reluctantly Win10/11, OSX Monterey)
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