Forum > Lazarus
Lazarus Release Candidate 1 of 4.0
I'm currently using FPC 3.3.1+Lazarus 3.99. If I want to install Lazarus 4.0 RC1, do I need to download and install FPC 3.2.2 in addition to Lazarus? I've used FPC 3.2.2 in the past, so maybe the installation is still there some where... Also, how do I ensure that the new Lazarus 4.0 RC1 will use my existing config from 3.99, while leaving the 3.99 installation intact and usable if I so wish?
Sorry if these are obvious questions, but I've spent a lot of effort getting my 3.99 setup just the way that works for me, and I would hate to lose that 😉
I would try to build the new Lazarus with your FPC3.3.1 if I was you. Might be an issue but its well worth a try.
Failing that, fpc324-rc1 would be a good bet, but you might need 3.2.2 to build it. Sigh...
Don't forget to set a new --pcp so your configs don't get mixed up.
At current 4.0RC1 is very similar to 3.99 (well 3.99 is older, the main git branch is now 4.99).
It also (should) work with fpc 3.3.1.
Only if you test it that way, and find any regressions then please mention that you used a different fpc. Thanks.
If on Windows, you can check "2ndary installation" and have an independent install.
* Mac Mini M1
* macOS 14.6.1
* Lazarus 3.99
* FPC 3.3.1
I decided to press on and backed up my current Lazarus_aarch64 folder and my ~/.lazarus config folder. I installed FPC 3.2.2 and FPC 3.2.2 Src, although since seeing the comments about using 3.3.1, I've since deleted them again. Meanwhile, I downloaded the Aarch64 version of Lazarus, unzipped the file and placed the Lazarus folder under my /Applications folder and renamed it to Lazarus_4.0.
The problem is that when I try to use either the startlazarus loader or the directly, I get a message saying "“” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin."
Any idea what's up, anyone?
I did notice that no-one else appears to have downloaded Lazarus macOS aarch64 while 10 people have downloaded Lazarus Mac OS X i386. Does this mean that, for the moment, I have to install Lazarus Mac OS X i386?
I've just clicked on Lazarus Mac OS X i386 on the page and it leads to another page that doesn't even have a Lazarus 4.0 RC1 download available.
Could someone explain to me what on earth is going on here?
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