Forum > Other


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Hi there. I'm new on the forum.

The first programming language I got into was Turbo Pascal (version 6.0 I believe). I don't have any of my code from back then, which would have been very amusing. I created a bunch of programs and games. From what I remember, I made a DOS program launcher, a breakout-like game with music and special effects, a library that played FLI videos with synchronized sound, and many, many incomplete projects.

I started learning FP a couple weeks ago. I'm using Lazarus IDE. It's great!

To (re)learn the language I created small "memory" game, you flip over the cards to match them up. I also started my next project, a little more ambitious - a todo/task list application. I'm crazy for task and list apps. This is good practice to learn about structuring larger projects & database access.

I hope to learn more, and to share some of my projects in the future!  8-)

Question: Is the Miscellaneous / Other forum the right place to show off your projects? I didn't find a "user gallery / what are you making" type forum anywhere.


--- Quote from: Wesbat on October 27, 2024, 04:56:53 am ---Question: Is the Miscellaneous / Other forum the right place to show off your projects? I didn't find a "user gallery / what are you making" type forum anywhere.

--- End quote ---
Only a moderator can give you a definite answer on that but, two things: 1. welcome to the forum and 2. Miscellaneous -> Other sounds like a reasonable guess to me.

Miscellaneous / Other is good initially I guess.
There is also Announcements / Third party for projects that are published somewhere and are being maintained.

Welcome to the forum Wesbat  :)
Yup, like @440bx says, that sounds like a good enough place...
To that I might add, that some people share their projects via Github or GitLab or even their own websites and some share videos on e.g.: Youtube and then make an announcement here in the forum... I guess, any choice is as good as the next one...  :D
The important thing is: Have fun while you're here and if you find yourself in a bind, don't hesitate to speak up or ask questions...  ;)
Regards Benny

Thanks for the welcome everyone. I have a feeling I will like it here!


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