Forum > Debugger


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Your work looks very interesting. 

I wanted to try your CPU viewer and I proceeded to install FMHexViewer, which I believe is needed by the CPU viewer.

Compiling FMHexView produced a compiler error.  Attached is a screenshot of the error messages.

I am using Lazarus v3.99 with FPC v3.2.2 (see attachment for details.)

Any guidance you can provide to eliminate the errors will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Alexander (Rouse_) Bagel:

--- Quote from: 440bx on October 21, 2024, 06:58:35 am ---I am using Lazarus v3.99 with FPC v3.2.2 (see attachment for details.)

--- End quote ---
I forgot to write the requirements - this is all designed for the current trunk (both Lazarus and FPC)

Thank you.

That explains why I'm getting an error.  I'm not using the required version of FPC.

The following question is mostly driven by curiosity.  Couldn't FMHexView be coded using the features in v3.2.2 ?   The reason I ask is because it may be years before the features in the development version appear in a formal release. 

In addition to that, I believe that formal releases are more thoroughly tested than the development version.  This usually means there is less of a chance of a bug being in the compiler than in the application/package, which is nice when using/testing beta software.

Alexander (Rouse_) Bagel:

--- Quote from: 440bx on October 21, 2024, 07:41:44 am ---The following question is mostly driven by curiosity.  Couldn't FMHexView be coded using the features in v3.2.2 ?   The reason I ask is because it may be years before the features in the development version appear in a formal release. 

--- End quote ---

I could redesign it, but then the code would be less efficient. That's why I've been actively proposing fixes to both FPC (both RTL and the compiler itself) and LCL for the last year, so that the common code base works the same on both Delphi and Lazarus.

The reasons you mention make sense.

Thank you for the update.


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