Just as a follow up question to this. How do you set a user defined term to show the defined color in live code but not in comments? I thought it had something to do with the priority setting, but a given setting value seems to be shared by an entire list.
You can have multiple list. All words that should be code only, but not comments => go into one list (or several for diff colors).
And that list then gets the priority.
However, you can not do
- some words only source
- other words only comments
Because for only source, the comment must have higher prior than source.
And for only comments it would be reverse.
(Assuming you want to change foreground color / otherwise substitute foreground for what ever you need)
- Go to Display > Colors
- In the color tree find the entries for comment and string (as if you wanted to change their color)
- For each of them
- At the bottom directly above the color-boxes, find the button "priority"
- change the priority for foreground to: 2
- Then go to User Defined Markup
- Select your list
- For the foreground color select priority: 1
In Lazarus 5.0 you will be able to add words for sources to the HL directly (up to 10 lists). However only full words, no part words, nor multi word.
(Yes I mean 5.0 / not 4.0)