Forum > Designer
How to insert a form in a unit and have the IDE manage it?
Maybe you're looking for sth like this - from my own version but essentially code from unit Dialogs. Creating a TForm code only:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---type { TaxInputForm } TaxInputForm = class(TForm) private Edit: TCustomEdit; FNonChars: TCharSet; procedure InputEditChange(Sender: TObject); procedure InputEditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); protected procedure Activate; override; end; // + the implementations function axCreateInputDialog(OwnerForm: TCustomForm; const ACaption, APrompt: string; MaskInput: Boolean; NonChars: TCharSet; const AMask: string; AEditClass: TEditClass; var Value: string): TaxInputForm;var Prompt: TLabel; MinEditWidth: integer; AMonitor: TMonitor;begin Result := nil; Result := TaxInputForm(TaxInputForm.NewInstance); Result.DisableAutoSizing; Result.CreateNew(OwnerForm); with Result do begin FNonChars := NonChars; PopupMode := pmAuto; BorderStyle := bsDialog; Caption := ACaption; Prompt := TLabel.Create(Result); with Prompt do begin Parent := Result; Caption := APrompt; Align := alTop; AutoSize := True; end; Edit := AEditClass.Create(Result); with Edit do begin Parent := Result; Top := Prompt.Height; Align := alTop; BorderSpacing.Top := 3; AMonitor := _InputQueryActiveMonitor; // check that edit is smaller than our monitor, it must be smaller at least // by 6 * 2 pixels (spacing from window borders) + window border MinEditWidth := Min(AMonitor.Width - 20, Max(cInputQueryEditSizePixels, AMonitor.Width * cInputQueryEditSizePercents div 100)); Constraints.MinWidth := MinEditWidth; OnKeyPress := @Result.InputEditKeyPress; OnChange := @Result.InputEditChange; {$ifdef with_picedits} if (AEditClass = TPxPicEdit) then TPxPicEdit(Edit).ValueConstraints.PictureMask := AMask; {$endif} if (AEditClass = TMaskEdit) then TMaskEdit(Edit).EditMask := AMask; if (Value > '') then Text := Value; TabStop := True; if MaskInput then begin EchoMode := emPassword; PasswordChar := '*'; end else begin EchoMode := emNormal; PasswordChar := #0; end; TabOrder := 0; end; with TaxDlgBtnPnl.Create(Result) do begin Top := Edit.Top + Edit.Height; Parent := Result; ShowBevel := False; ShowButtons := [pbOK, pbCancel]; Align := alTop; end; ChildSizing.TopBottomSpacing := 6; ChildSizing.LeftRightSpacing := 6; AutoSize := True; InputEditChange(Edit); // upon show, the edit control will be focused for editing, because it's // the first in the tab order Result.EnableAutoSizing; end;end;
IDE/OI, however, will of course not manage this.
--- Quote from: jamie on October 15, 2024, 09:57:39 pm ---
I have question about later deciding to insert a Form in a UNIT that got started without any interacting with the IDE designer.
Is it possible to insert a form class into an existing unit and have it be managed by the IDE/OI ?
I don't mean in forms of editing the LFM file, is there an option to start a new form within an existing unit?
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The answer is yes if the conditions are met:
1) the *.lfm file must be created, otherwise the Object Inspector will not see the form;
2) You need to add a line to the *.lpr (Application.CreateForm(...););
I spent 3 mins checking it out.
--- Quote from: MarkMLl on October 15, 2024, 10:22:39 pm ---What happens if you add the relevant .pas file to the project?
I admit to being somewhat uncomfortable with this distinction between "form" and "unit", which is something that I've seen people making repeatedly (,65825.0.html and so on). The important thing is the unit and the class (descendant of TForm) defined therein in the context of Object Pascal: the IDE should take note of the presence of that and (a) compile the associated .lfm into a collection of resources and (b) use those resources to populate a form at program startup.
--- End quote ---
I'm of the same opinion. I will add a discussion close to this issue,68574.0.html
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