Thanks and I know it will take quite a bit time.
I look at one can see a relatively short "GUI" reverse game program that can run under tp7l. I do not check in details the Free Pascal source, but one did note that the Free Pascal version is of a different source program, ... hope not that much work. But he migrated all these from Basic and got a yt video on this I think. Is he even moved to javascript from Pascal even. Interesting and promising :-).
That means I have an example for the future GUI rewrite using Unit Graph under tp7. That will involve all those display logic and cursor setting. Giving all 3 programs under Gamework 4 can run under tp7, adding Unit Graph and then start coding seems at least feasible.
But that GUI rewrite might be my third step.
My first step is learn a bit more TP itself and upgrade the turbo bridge so that it is like turbo Chess can at least "save the board". The bridge can rebid but not replay. I note some logic there about saving game state. That would occupy me first.
Then the bidding part upgrade in TP is the second step.
All these can be done under turbo pascal. (Is it a mistake to do it under TP for this logic part I am not sure. But never use Free Pascal but at least I did use turbo pascal in 1980s :-)).
And in the meant time as you said need to test a bit GUI to familiar with myself how tp and free pascal use the Graph Unit.
Got a plan! Cheer!
Anyway should have started earlier, but I guess my confusion over Gamework 1 source does not help; I can run the program in the last few decades :-) then but the sources does not compile. Now I know Gamework 4 source can run under tp5.5 and now tp7, all are different, it enables the migration.
Stay tuned ... may need your help on the Graph Unit under turbo pascal and free pascal I presume. Hopefully not pascal itself :-). Last time use Pascal (is that my imagination that is under Univac 1100 not MSDOS ?) for statistical calculation was before 1985. it will take time to bush up and work this out.
Cheers :-)