Forum > QT
Has QT Richmemo acquired more features than the feature matrix suggests?
The Platform Support Matrix at shows QT quite behind in features, but the document is over 2 years old and references Qt 4.8.
Have the Richmemos of Qt 5.12 and 6.x acquired more feature since then?
I've added some classes into Qt5 and Qt6 cbindings, but don't know if someone implemented it into rich memo.
KMemo works at a different level, works with any widget set, gtk2, Qt5, Qt6, Win32. Cocoa.
Hi Zeljko, what does someone who wants to contribute to libQtXPas files need to learn?
Is there some guide on how to go about it?
Do you develop it in a public repo?
--- Quote from: zeljko on October 14, 2024, 09:19:05 am ---I've added some classes into Qt5 and Qt6 cbindings, but don't know if someone implemented it into rich memo.
--- End quote ---
Do you have some example of how to do this?
PS. Are you the tall handsome guy in some linked in page at the Delphi Summit? :) :)
I've added:
QTextBlockFormatH : needed for paragraphs alignments (such as paragraph indents, line spacing and tabs). QTextEdit only exposes paragraph alignment.
QTextCharFormatH : needed for additional character formatting (i.e. vertical alignment, links support). QTextEdit only exposes font styles.
Some others too, but someone must implement it into richtext component (qt5 and qt6 widgetsets). I don't have enough spare time to do that...
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