I try to install Lamw, on a virtual machine with Ubuntu 24, using lamw_manager for Linux.
All downloads are ok. FPC and Lazarus compilation are ok. Installed Lazarus v. 3.2(*), FPC v. 3.2.2, with patches.
But in the Lazarus package installation there are the errors in image,
on many lines of file gdbmiserverdebuggerlamw.pas
By the way, I notice that, for the error on missing TGDBMIDebuggerBase, the file gdbmidebugger.pp on Ubuntu doesn't contain the class TGDBMIDebuggerBase.
But strangely , on another installation of Laz 2.2.6-FPC3.2.2 that I have on Windows, file gdbmidebugger.pp contains that class.
Any ideas?
(*) EDIT: indeed lamw_manager for Linux install the old Lazarus version 2.0.6, maybe too old for current version of Lamw