Hello everybody.
I translated to Pascal the program
UCI Filter. It's a program designed to be used as a filter between a UCI chess engine and a chess GUI.
The Pascal version doesn't work correctly. Would someone help me to find the error?
Here is how to compile and test the original program:
(You need to have
make and
fpc available on the command line.)
gcc -Wall ucifilter.c -o ucifilter.exe
D:\c\echecs\ucifilter-pascal-241011>make test
ucifilter .\CT800_V1.34_x32.exe
CT800 V1.34 32 bit UCI version
2016-2019 by Rasmus Althoff
Free software under GPLv3+
quitHere is how to compile and test the Pascal version:
D:\c\echecs\ucifilter-pascal-241011>make ucifilterpas
fpc -Mobjfpc -Sh -dDEBUG ucifilter.pas -oucifilterpas.exe
Compiling Debug Version
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.0 [2021/02/21] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2020 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling ucifilter.pas
Compiling log.pas
Linking ucifilterpas.exe
524 lines compiled, 0.3 sec, 170256 bytes code, 6724 bytes data
D:\c\echecs\ucifilter-pascal-241011>make testpas
ucifilterpas .\CT800_V1.34_x32.exe
| a♠CT800 V1.34 32☻ | a♠►' £ a♠2016-2019 by R☻ | a♠╣ a♠Free software ☻ | aquitYou can see that the output of the UCI engine is corrupted.
Which error did I make?