Compile Pascal Qt Interface from source:
* Download and unpack the sources
* cd into the resulting unpacked directory
* This directory contains amongs other things a Qt Project File
* run qmake -query to inspect your Qt installation
* qmake (creates Makefile based upon
* make (compiles)
* make install (obtain super user rights with sudo or su)
* make clean (cleans directory, do this when switching Qt versions)
Linux Note:
To use a different Qt then the system wide Qt,
use /PathToOtherQt/bin/qmake and learn about LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/PathToOtherQt/lib)
Mac OsX Note:
qmake may create a xcode project
instead of a g++ Makefile
use xcodebuild to compile
to create a g++ Makefile:
QMAKESPEC=macx-g++ qmake
The qmake project is configured to create a
framework instead of a plain library
Windows Note:
Verify the QTDIR,QMAKESPEC environment variables.
e.g. QMAKESPEC=win32-g++ and that make -v
and gcc -v produce the expected result.
Be sure that mingw32 shipped with Qt5 is in PATH,
so bindings are built with correct mingw32 version.
eg. for Qt-5.6.1 you can set all paths in cmd and
build bindings.
set PATH=C:\Qt5Directory\Tools\mingw492_32\bin;C:\Qt5Directory\5.6\mingw49_32\bin;%PATH%
qmake -query
When compiling from source,
you can use make install.
When using the binary packages,
see below.
If preferred, first strip
the libraries before installation.
Linux Binary Installation
The libraries should be copied
to the distribution specific
system library directory
e.g. /usr/lib.
Ensure the symlinks are correct.
The .so.OneDigit link is used when running a program.(google soname)
The .so link is used when linking during development
Windows Binary Installation
The dll can be copied to e.g.
the Qt bin directory, as this
directory is already in the
PATH environment variable.
Mac OsX Binary Installation
The provided package installs
to /Library/Frameworks