fpcupdelxue creates a shell script named fpc.sh that automatically uses the correct fpc.cfg file (overruling any existing fpc.cfg files (in case there are any)).
Use that script to compile lazarus with something like:
make BIGIDE FPC="/full/path/and/name/to/script/file/fpc.sh" LCL_PLATFORM=qt6
(order of the options should not matter thus use whatever ticks your box more conveniently )
please report back in case those instructions do not work for you (preferably with an error message or part of a log).
I'm grateful for the hint, I didn't know about this command line feature. I have run the following commands in the terminal. I noticed that the command register is important
$ cd <lazarus-home-directory>
$ make BIGIDE FPC="/home/leyba/lazarus/laz_qt/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.sh" LCL_PLATFORM=qt6
make: *** No rule to make target 'BIGIDE'. Stop.
$ make bigide FPC="/home/leyba/lazarus/laz_qt/fpc/bin/x86_64-linux/fpc.sh" LCL_PLATFORM=qt6
As a result, I managed to build an IDE.
Lazarus 4.99 (rev main_4_99-22-g15853ffffd) FPC 3.3.1 x86_64-linux-qt6
The UI of the IDE has changed, I think I saw some rendering bugs. But that's another topic.
I would like to thank everyone who participated in the discussion of this topic