Forum > Windows

LibreOffice events listener

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Could you also add a small project to see how you test? I can at least test it on development versions of FPC.

OK, here's a very simple test project, supplied as a zip. It should compile as-is in Lazarus, all required units are included (I think), plus a sample CSV file.

A form with one button and a memo.
Click the button to open a CSV file in Calc.
Start editing the CSV, and Calc's OnModified events should be logged in the memo - but nothing happens here, so obviously my plumbing is wrong.

I have Lazarus 3.6, FPC 3.2.2

Curt Carpenter:

--- Quote from: chris_laz on October 07, 2024, 11:10:26 am ---I am not sure where my original Delphi implementation came from (back in 2011), I must have found some hints online, as I am pretty sure I did not work this all out for myself.

--- End quote ---

I've been wrestling with some old code issues for the past two weeks too -- wonderfully frustrating isn't it?  So many things have changed in the past thirteen years (across so many different interfaces in your case -- mine is much simpler   :)).   

Just a thread bump, does anyone have any experience automating LibreOffice with Lazarus to share?

I'm not familiar with OO and LO automation via TLB... but when diving into this...

I see you used XEventListener.
If I look at the documentation of XEventListener I see it is deprecated:

XDocumentEventListener would be the new one:

It also states it uses XDocumentEventBroadcaster to be notified:

And XDocumentEventBroadcaster has a addDocumentEventListener, removeDocumentEventListener and notifyDocumentEvent.

Shouldn't those be used???

And more... you are now using the COM style code to create a LibreOffice document, but are using the TLB style code to interact with it. I'm not sure if you can mix those.


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