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Lazarus package BGRABitmap (please help)

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Hi, I installed packages needed for my project. The others went smooth but when I Installed BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI there's an error popped out saying

There are two units with the same name:

1. "C:\Lazarus_CommonComponents\BGRABitmap\bgrabitmap-master\bgrabitmap\bgraanimatedgif.pas" from BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI 9.9
2. "C:\Lazarus_CommonComponents\BGRABitmap\bgrabitmap-master\bgrabitmap\bgraanimatedgif.pas" from BGRABitmapPack 11.3.1
Both packages are connected. This means, either one package uses the other, or they are both used by a third package.

I don't know how to fix it, and I dont want to try modifying the files that may lead to other problems since I don't know it.

If anyone that is familiar with this. Can you help me? thank you in advance!

Fred vS:
Are you using fpGUI widgetset?

If so, you need to install only BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI.

If you are using LCL/Lazarus widgetset you should not install BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI but only BGRABitmapPack.
And in that case, uninstall BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI if installed,

I tried to install the BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI first but it also requires the BGRABitmapPack..

here's the error:

The project requires the package "BGRABitmapPack".
But it was not found. See Project -> Project Inspector.

Fred vS:
Hello Velle.
You did not answer to the question if you are using fpGUI widgetset.
So I guess you are using fpGUI if you want to install BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI.
And I guess you have already installed fpgui_toolkit.lpk needed for BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI.

In that case you should only install BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI.
Go to menu Project/Project inspector and delete all the BGRABitmap packages other than BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI.

If you are using the widgetset LCL from Lazarus, go in menu Project/Project Inspector and delete all the BGRABitmap packages other than BGRABitmapPack.

Hi, I'm sorry if I'm not answering whether I'm using fpGUI widgetset because I don't know the difference between FGUI's..

By the way, I tried doing what you said, I removed the BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI 9.9 in the project inspector and it works! Thank you!

I only got confused because I only followed the notepad ( which was given to me by the last person who handled this project) and BGRABitmapPack4fpGUI is also included on it..


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