You know how Lazarus compiles resources right? All images, icons and co are encoded as strings which are decoded at runtime.
Strings just gives you everything that looks like a string within a file. So it's not all Symbols. It's all the graphics, configurations and all the other resources.
Indeed. So, still looking at my binary (Lazarus is too big and I'm more likely to recognize my text). By telling 'string' to only show strings of 10 or more characters, I end up with almost as much text content and considerably less random characters that are clearly part of a binary object of some sort.
I believe I could read to you at least two thirds of the resulting 1.6Meg, 23K line file. I doubt either you nor I wish that ....
My point was that there is already a lot of readable text in the binary. Adding RTTI would not increase it by that much.
I also looked for similar sized apps on my system, like the Crusader's Wife, to make a comparison. Generally, with a very approximate "like for like", there seems a lot more text in a Lazarus app than the C or C++ ones. But, importantly, I'm not opening the "gee, Pascal makes big binaries" argument ! Please !