Forum > LazReport

Error printing to zebra printer [SOLVED]

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It may indeed be the case that we are talking about two different problems. My Zebra is used to print RFID cards and each card takes long enough to print that sending the next file in the queue is not a problem.
It may be different with printing labels...


--- Quote from: Blacha on October 10, 2024, 09:17:12 pm ---It may indeed be the case that we are talking about two different problems. My Zebra is used to print RFID cards and each card takes long enough to print that sending the next file in the queue is not a problem.
It may be different with printing labels...

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Yes, my use-case was printing labels with text for packaging.
And if you need to print hundreds of labels, speed matters  ;)

--- Quote from: magleft on October 05, 2024, 01:07:15 pm ---Also an older version of the program worked fine.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem is and how it can be fixed?

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You didn't mention the versions of Lazarus + bitness (32/64bit) and fpReport you are using.

--- Quote from: magleft on October 05, 2024, 01:07:15 pm ---When I run the app on a computer that doesn't have the zebra printer connected everything works fine.

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Was printing to a different printer (i.e. Print to PDF) possible on that same machine with a Zebra printer connected to it?

Just tried to print the report to a PDF printer and could print 12000+ pages without any problems in Lazarus trunk 64bit with LazReport 1.0.
So I'm not sure if it has to do with the label-dimensions.

Hi everyone.
When I run the program on my computer the preview of the form works fine but when run on the computer that the zebra printer is connected to during the preview nothing is displayed.
Even when I set the default printer to "default printer", it still could not be previewed.


--- Quote from: magleft on October 13, 2024, 05:17:36 pm ---Even when I set the default printer to "default printer", it still could not be previewed.

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Then make a test project (including the report itself) for us to test and mention the type of Zebra and driver you have installed.

We can install the driver without needing to actually print.
I've seen printer drivers mess up values but it's strange if it happens without even debugging selecting the Zebra.

For some reason it "loses" the dimensions of the page. Finally I installed the zebra printer on my calculator, selected the printer in the form, and it worked. I will try to generate the form with code but the mvDownloadEngine library is missing. Does anyone know where I can find her?


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