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AY_FLY Library

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--- Quote from: Guva on December 02, 2024, 03:21:07 am ---He can't play digital samples because there is no fm synthesis.
yes, there are chips that can do this, for example
Yamaha YMF278, YMF262 (OPL3), YM3812, etc

--- End quote ---
Ah, got it. Thank you very much for the educational lesson there  8)

FM synthesis can be completely done in software as many VST plugins prove. It is actually quite easy to do:
Given X number of pure sine waves let them modulate each other. Where in the case of Yamaha emulation it is likely 5 or 7. What you end up with are raw buffers and those can be played, even in real time (below 5ms latency) on old machines and with quite high sample rates..(96000 or higher)
There's lots of freeware FM VST's around since the early 2000's.
The Stanford/Yamaha patents expired in 1995.


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