But when looking into every manual available... no mention of the error codes. What are they and where can I find them?
I assume that quote is referring to runtime errors from the user manual
D'OH! I didn't look there (I was too laser focused on IO errors and didn't consider runtime errors). :facepalm:
Could you (or anyone else who happens to read this) also help me understand this part:
Error : File not found : xxx or Error: couldn’t compile unit xxx: This typically happens when your unit path isn’t set correctly. Remember that the compiler looks for units only in the current directory, and in the directory where the compiler itself is. If you want it to look somewhere else too, you must explicitly tell it to do so using the -Fu (see page 108) option. Or you must set up a configuration file.
Specifically, when
exactly does the latter error happen (and the former)? What's the difference between them from the compiler's view? I am not sure how to split these errors into separate sections. As it's phrased, the second type of error shouldn't happen if the unit itself has any sort of syntactic errors, because it would mean that it
found the unit. I feel like the explanation that starts with "This typically happens[...]" only applies for File not found (in which case it makes sense), but what about Couldn't compile unit?