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I've read Michael's "Mustache templates in Pascal" and it says:

--- Quote ---Free Pascal now contains a fpMustache unit in its distribution. It has no depencencies
except the JSON support of Free Pascal.
--- End quote ---
But I can't find such a package into the fpcsrc/packages folder, does anyone have more information on this?

Search for a fcl-mustache package in trunk


--- Quote from: marcov on October 02, 2024, 09:23:01 am ---Search for a fcl-mustache package in trunk

--- End quote ---
Thanks Marco!

I can see it now in trunk and it couldn't break to stable (3.2.2), although release_3_2_2 is tagged 15.05.2021 (later than 20.04.2021), anyway, it answers my question why I can't find it into my local folders. Thanks again.

A point release like 3.2.2 is tagged from the fixes branch, not from trunk

But packages are not always merged from trunk to fixes due to dependencies.

The important thing now is that I know where it is. I'm sure it will be in the next stable too (no deps). ;)


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