There is deep magic, but it is done, and that deep magic brought it within the realm of application programming. Just very complicated, but it can be done. People load Delphi forms from databases.
Basically you need to parse the json, create classes as you go, and filling properties.
Then you can lookup event handlers for them. I even seen people read script language code for the handler this way, and storing a pointer to the script language code in a .tag, and assigning a generic event handler that does some marshalling and then calls the script language code looked up from the tag.
But it is all a lot of work, and you probably need to build a framework below it. And you can probably manually create hundreds of forms with the same effort.
Lazarus, the LCL and the RTL is in source, you can sources. Particularly pay attention to the classes unit and then specially the read/writecomponent* and object*to* functions
Some searching for components (delphi too!) that do something like this might help too.
(*) modification notice: first edition said python, but it actually was Pascal script. Replace by more general "script" moniker.