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Not able to install "fpc-src-3.2.2-20210709-macosx.dmg" on MacOs Sequoia ( 15.0
Hello together,
I woul install Lazarus 3.6 on my Mac.
The version i had installes was 2.4.
After updating i could not compile my IDE because some missing unit's from Lazarus.
So i install it complete and try to install all three packages.
fpc-3.2.2.intelarm64-macosx.dmg. O.K.
fpc-src-3.2.2-20210709-macosx.dmg Installer not compatible with MacOs Sequoia !
Lazarus-3.6-macosx-x86_64.pkg. Not tried because the problem on installing the sources
It would be nice if anyone has an idea!
Thank you and BR from Austria
Gee, I really cannot imagine how the src install can be incompatible ! Its just a tree of source code, plain text ! Is that exactly the error message you got ?
I am not sure where it gets installed to, perhaps Apple has changed the directory structure ?
The source package being missing should not stop you installing Lazarus, its won't be a problem until Lazarus starts up for the first time. You could, if feeling brave, just grab the source in a tar.gz format, untar it to somewhere in your home directory and then, when you start Lazarus and it complains it cannot find the source, you jump in and say "I will show you where it is !"
Or, open the dmg installer and drag it to a location of your choosing.
I am having the problem. This what I get - This installer package is incompatible with this version of macOS. Contact the developer for support. I'm running it on Apple M1 Max on macOS Sequoia Version 15.0.1.
Not sure if it is related to the issue but did you update the Xcode and command line tools when you installed macOS Sequoia 15.0
Yes I did thanks.
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