and following the advice on the wiki, I haven't added `heaptrc` to my uses clause.
That is against the advice of the wiki, or did that change somehow?
The heaptrce unit should NEVER, EVER be added to the uses clause manually.
Some vandal editted it, I just checked, will be removed)
The only ways to use heaptrce correctly is compiling with the option -gh -gl or select the dialog items in Lazarus.
NEVER add heaptrace manually. Florian himself explained why you should not do that.If you see heaptrc in a uses clause, you know it is wrong code.
(What happens is this: the memory manager needs to be in place at the right time, including program start-up, when you add heaptrc to the uses clause instead of best practice, you will end up with TWO memory managers and the start-up code can not be resolved,)
Sheer vandalism, the wiki WAS correct. Who did that?