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What is in your opinion the time span you can effectlvely work?
As a social scientist - one of my hats - , I am curious about what, in your opinion, is the time span you can effectlvely work per day?
I mean, it is my experience as a - retired - development manager, that the average time-span differs a lot, but generally is at most 5 hours after which productivity drops off steeply unless a lot of adrenaline is involved for just a few times a year a dead-line needs to be met or a bug-fix needs to be released a.s.a.p. In any other case, being present does not make sense: better to send them home and start afresh the next day.
Do you have the same experience? Not about other people, but about you or your team?
What is already clear from other research is that programmers, just like medical docters and astronauts, have a very high brain-strain while at work, so I want to find out if my assertion makes any sense.
In my own case it differed between 4-5 hours median and over 24 under very occational stress.
The assertion is that presence at work in hours does not make sense and it not beneficial to an organisation: the organization would loose money because the median is skewed and does not represent average.
Depends on the supply of Pizza and Coffee !
Seriously, my team were often in the office around 8:30 to 9:00 am, finished 4:30 - 6:30 pm and would be logged on as soon as they home quite a lot. But they loved what they were doing.
Thats the difference, enjoy it, its fun. Don't enjoy it, its a drag. My super power ? Get people doing the job they enjoyed.
Davo, that is the issue: keeping time does not make sense. Getting the work done makes sense and is not related to average presence but to median performance. That is an important difference I want to investigate: the sillyness of presense.
if we are talking specifically about programming, I would say, 2 hours on average. But that really depends on the type of programming I do. There are tasks which are highly creative, where I get involved entirely, it is like being asleep almost. Then I can go for 5-6 hours in such highly focused state. Boring tasks on the other hand, like cleaning up my code and tying up lose ends, this is where I take a lot of breaks and work in bursts of solid 15-20 minutes of work, followed by a quick two-hour breaks in-between. I am hobbyist, this question was always on my mind, how do people do this all day.
probably need to add, as a new to programming, especially at the beginning, I would roll in bed at night figuring out how code works. I would be writing code before brushing my teeth as soon as get up. Things like that. I sometimes would feel the "pump" in my head. Same as muscle pump (if you lift, you would know), but in the head, a sweet tiredness, mixed with endorphins from job well done. Not so much now, but at the beginning it was like that.
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