TFont = class(TFPCustomFont)
FIsMonoSpace: boolean;
FIsMonoSpaceValid: boolean;
FOrientation: Integer;
FPitch: TFontPitch;
FQuality: TFontQuality;
FStyle: TFontStylesBase;
FCharSet: TFontCharSet;
FPixelsPerInch: Integer;
FUpdateCount: integer;
FChanged: boolean;
FFontHandleCached: boolean;
FColor: TColor;
FHeight: integer; // FHeight = -(FSize * FPixelsPerInch) div 72
FReference: TWSFontReference;
procedure FreeReference;
function GetHandle: HFONT;
function GetData: TFontData;
function GetIsMonoSpace: boolean;
function GetReference: TWSFontReference;
function IsHeightStored: boolean;
function IsNameStored: boolean;
procedure SetData(const FontData: TFontData);
procedure SetHandle(const Value: HFONT);
procedure ReferenceNeeded;
procedure SetPixelsPerInch(const APixelsPerInch: Integer);
function GetCharSet: TFontCharSet;
function GetHeight: Integer;
function GetName: string;
function GetOrientation: Integer;
function GetPitch: TFontPitch;
function GetSize: Integer;
function GetStyle: TFontStyles;
procedure Changed; override;
procedure DoAllocateResources; override;
procedure DoCopyProps(From: TFPCanvasHelper); override;
procedure DoDeAllocateResources; override;
procedure SetCharSet(const AValue: TFontCharSet);
procedure SetColor(const NewColor: TColor; const NewFPColor: TFPColor); virtual;
procedure SetColor(Value: TColor);
function GetColor: TColor;
procedure SetFlags(Index: integer; AValue: boolean); override;
procedure SetFPColor(const AValue: TFPColor); override;
procedure SetHeight(Avalue: Integer);
procedure SetName(AValue: string); override;
procedure SetOrientation(AValue: Integer); override; // This was introduced in 2.5 quite late, and the Android pre-compiled compiler was before this, so I prefer to let it only for 2.6
procedure SetPitch(Value: TFontPitch);
procedure SetSize(AValue: integer); override;
procedure SetStyle(Value: TFontStyles);
procedure SetQuality(const AValue: TFontQuality);
constructor Create; override;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
procedure Assign(const ALogFont: TLogFont);
procedure BeginUpdate;
procedure EndUpdate;
property FontData: TFontData read GetData write SetData;
function HandleAllocated: boolean;
property Handle: HFONT read GetHandle write SetHandle;
function IsDefault: boolean;
function IsEqual(AFont: TFont): boolean; virtual;
property IsMonoSpace: boolean read GetIsMonoSpace;
procedure SetDefault;
property PixelsPerInch: Integer read FPixelsPerInch write SetPixelsPerInch;
property Reference: TWSFontReference read GetReference;
property CharSet: TFontCharSet read GetCharSet write SetCharSet default DEFAULT_CHARSET;
property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor default {$ifdef UseCLDefault}clDefault{$else}clWindowText{$endif};
property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight stored IsHeightStored;
property Name: string read GetName write SetName stored IsNameStored;
property Orientation: Integer read GetOrientation write SetOrientation default 0;
property Pitch: TFontPitch read GetPitch write SetPitch default fpDefault;
property Quality: TFontQuality read FQuality write SetQuality default fqDefault;
property Size: Integer read GetSize write SetSize stored false;
property Style: TFontStyles read GetStyle write SetStyle default [];