Forum > Beginners

Use ttyS0, exsample code? For Linux

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--- Quote from: coradi on November 18, 2024, 11:00:08 pm ---This example is from chatgpt,but why it doesn't work?
With hterm the LED from CH UART is working, but with this code, nothing happends

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Don't post ChatGPT code here in case a subsequent search engine takes it as authoritative.

I pointed you at tested code which you said you'd try: what happened?


Furthermore, please resolve any problems with chatGPT presented or generated code yourself, before posting.


--- Quote from: coradi on November 18, 2024, 11:00:08 pm ---With hterm the LED from CH UART is working, but with this code, nothing happends

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Which LED?
What is CH UART?
What actions did you perform in hterm?
The code example you refer to only receives serial data, thus there will be no noticeable activity on the USB converter unless something else is transmitting data on the converter's RX pin.  What do you expect should happen when you only receive data in the test code?



--- Quote from: coradi on November 21, 2024, 12:44:16 pm ---nobody?

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: ccrause on November 19, 2024, 11:13:47 am ---Which LED?
What is CH UART?
What actions did you perform in hterm?
The code example you refer to only receives serial data, thus there will be no noticeable activity on the USB converter unless something else is transmitting data on the converter's RX pin.  What do you expect should happen when you only receive data in the test code?

--- End quote ---
Why do you not answer those questions? ccrause is an expert. He needs that information, understand?


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