Forum > LCL
[SOLVED] LazReport / FreeReport question ...
I'm having an issue with just one report. It's quite simple: at the bottom of each report on all 6 reports on the Page Footer band I put a box containing Page [Page No] of [TTL Pages]. Page No and TTL Pages are variables. This works great for every report except one and rechecked to make sure it's the same as other reports. All work except this one. It prints Page 1 of 0, Page 2 of 0. I've recreated the variables and a new box but just this one report it's still doing the Page 1 of 0, etc. It's kind of >:( me off, LoL! I guess maybe just delete this report and recreate it???
Open your report in Designer, go to menu File, then Report Options.
Turn on option 'Two-pass report'. OK, Save. ShowReport;
Thanks, I did that on all the other reports but I checked and had forgotten to check that off when I created the report.
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