Forum > Suggestions

Sqlite tips leak dll usage and function. need update ...


path:\lazarus\fpc\3.2.2\source\packages\sqlite\src\, line 1188,1189

This tips leak dll usage and function. Or maybe change to:

SErrLoadFailed     = 'Can not load the library "%s". Check your installation.'
SErrAlreadyLoaded  = 'App interface already initialized from library %s.';


Do not let user know this err dll is sqlite libs. maybe we want reset name the "sqlite3.dll" to "applib.dll" or other name.

Renaming the DLL is useless in throwing off someone who's curious as to what it does. Just run  dumpbin /exports applib.dll  and you'll be greeted by a slew of  sqlite3_-prefixed symbols.
Why exactly do you want to hide the fact you're using SQLite3?


--- Quote from: Khrys on September 17, 2024, 07:22:48 am ---Renaming the DLL is useless in throwing off someone who's curious as to what it does. Just run  dumpbin /exports applib.dll  and you'll be greeted by a slew of  sqlite3_-prefixed symbols.
Why exactly do you want to hide the fact you're using SQLite3?

--- End quote ---
So noone could get the idea to try to open any file with DBBrowser.....


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