You do want to start here the image is not much related on how to access SynEdit.
But as for ideas for the "class designer" (I guess you want to talk about that?):
The amount of options that you will actually need is going to grow.
So you may want
- a radiogroup: Field, Method, Property (event is just a property)
- and then reuse fields like name
- and hide/show options like virtual or default as needed.
Just some examples:
property Foo: Integer read FFoo write FFoo; // field
property Foo: Integer read GetFoo write SetFoo; // method
property Foo: Integer read FFoo write SetFoo; // mixed
property Foo[Bar: Boolean]: Integer read GeFoo write SetFoo; // indexed
property Foo[Bar: Boolean]: Integer read GeFoo write SetFoo; default; // indexed default
property Foo: Integer read FFoo write SetFoo default 5; // default val
property Foo: Integer read FFoo write SetFoo stored GetStored;
property Foo: Integer index 5 read GetFoo write SetFoo stored GetStored; // indexed getter/setter
procedure Bar; inline;
procedure Bar; reintroduce; virtual; abstract; overload; stdcall;