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Using synapse to send email
Guys, I'm following the path of Synapse and porting some Delphinian code to it.
But I'm encountering problems, the code is here:
It has three methods, all for attaching files that no longer exist.
I keep looking at codes on the internet, but they seem to be old and not in tune with the current ones.
Does anyone have something similar or could indicate why these three lines that I underlined in the source no longer work?
--- Quote from: hamacker on September 12, 2024, 11:52:21 pm ---It has three methods, all for attaching files that no longer exist.
--- End quote ---
Sure they do. But you declared MimeMsg as TMimePart.
That's something different from TMimeMess which does have the AddPartBinary and AddTextPart.
You need to create a TMimeMess and set the mail properties.
After that you need to add TMimePart to separate certain mail parts (with boundaries).
So you need to do something like
For the mimetype... you could do something like:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---P := MimeMsg.AddPartMultipart('mixed', nil);
After that you can use AddPartText and AddPartBinary and pass P with it as parent part.
BTW. AddPartText also expects a TStrings, not a String.
You can search for TMimeMess on this forum. There are many examples.
(For example,49869.msg362756.html#msg362756 but there are many more)
Also don't forget the MimeMsg.EncodeMessage before sending the mail.
Excelent tips.
I think that I got it! I sent my first email using synapse.
My code now for help others:
--- Code: Pascal [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---unit utils_email; interface { Sample:with TUtilsEMailSender.Create dobegin Host := 'localhost'; Port := 587; Username := ''; Password := 'secret'; From := ''; Recipients.Add(''); CC.Text:=''+sLineBreak+''; BCC.Text:=''+sLineBreak+''; Subject := edtSubject.Text; Body := edtBody.Text; //Attachments.Text := 'attach1.ods' + sLineBreak + 'attach2.html'; Attachments.Add('attach1.ods'); Attachments.Add('attach2.html'); Result := Send; if Result = '' then ShowMessage('SUCESS') else ShowMessage('FAIL'); Free;end;} uses Classes, SysUtils; type TUtilsEMailSender = class private FHost: string; FPort: Integer; FUsername: string; FPassword: string; FFrom: string; FRecipients: TStrings; FCC: TStrings; FBCC: TStrings; FSubject: string; FBody: string; FAttachments: TStringList; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Send: String; property Host: string read FHost write FHost; property Port: Integer read FPort write FPort; property Username: string read FUsername write FUsername; property Password: string read FPassword write FPassword; property From: string read FFrom write FFrom; property Recipients: TStrings read FRecipients write FRecipients; property CC: TStrings read FCC write FCC; property BCC: TStrings read FBCC write FBCC; property Subject: string read FSubject write FSubject; property Body: string read FBody write FBody; property Attachments: TStringList read FAttachments write FAttachments; end; implementation uses smtpsend, mimemess, mimepart; { TUtilsEMailSender } constructor TUtilsEMailSender.Create;begin FRecipients := TStringList.Create; FCC := TStringList.Create; FBCC := TStringList.Create; FAttachments := TStringList.Create;end; destructor TUtilsEMailSender.Destroy;begin FRecipients.Free; FCC.Free; FBCC.Free; FAttachments.Free; inherited;end; function TUtilsEMailSender.Send: String;var vSMTP: TSMTPSend; vMimeMsg: TMimeMess; vMimePart: TMimePart; vTextPart: TStrings; vFileStream: TFileStream; i: Integer;begin Result := ''; vSMTP := TSMTPSend.Create; vMimeMsg := TMimeMess.Create; if (Pos('@', FFrom)<=0) then Result:='Você não informou o remetente.'; if (Result='') and (Pos('@', FRecipients.Text)<=0) then Result:='Você não informou o destinatario.'; if (Result='') and (Trim(FSubject)='') then Result:='Você não informou o assunto.'; if (Result='') and (Trim(FBody)='') then Result:='Você não informou o conteudo da mensagem.'; try if Result='' then begin try // Configuração do servidor SMTP vSMTP.TargetHost := FHost; vSMTP.TargetPort := IntToStr(FPort); vSMTP.Username := FUsername; vSMTP.Password := FPassword; // Configuração do e-mail vMimeMsg.Header.From := FFrom; for i := 0 to FRecipients.Count - 1 do vMimeMsg.Header.ToList.Add(FRecipients[i]); for i := 0 to FCC.Count - 1 do vMimeMsg.Header.CCList.Add(FCC[i]); vMimeMsg.Header.Subject := FSubject; // Criação da parte mista (para separar corpo e anexos) vMimePart := vMimeMsg.AddPartMultipart('mixed', nil); // Adicionar corpo do e-mail como texto vTextPart := TStringList.Create; try vTextPart.Text := FBody; vMimeMsg.AddPartText(vTextPart, vMimePart); finally vTextPart.Free; end; // Adicionar anexos for i := 0 to FAttachments.Count - 1 do begin vFileStream := TFileStream.Create(FAttachments[i], fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try vMimeMsg.AddPartBinary(vFileStream, ExtractFileName(FAttachments[i]), vMimePart); finally vFileStream.Free; end; end; // Conectar ao servidor SMTP e enviar o e-mail if vSMTP.Login then begin vSMTP.MailFrom(FFrom, Length(FBody)); for i := 0 to FRecipients.Count - 1 do vSMTP.MailTo(FRecipients[i]); for i := 0 to FCC.Count - 1 do vSMTP.MailTo(FCC[i]); // Adicionar destinatários BCC (não incluídos no cabeçalho do e-mail) for i := 0 to FBCC.Count - 1 do vSMTP.MailTo(FBCC[i]); vMimeMsg.EncodeMessage; //glad vSMTP.MailData(vMimeMsg.Lines); vSMTP.Logout; end; except on e:exception do Result:= 'Erro "'+e.message+'": '+sLineBreak+ 'Unidade: '+{$I %FILE%}+sLineBreak+ 'Linha: '+{$INCLUDE %LINE%}+sLineBreak+ 'Método: '+{$I %CURRENTROUTINE%}; end; end; finally vSMTP.Free; vMimeMsg.Free; end;end; end.
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