Ha, yes. I did the test in Delphi (which is 32 bit) and had a rogue 7z.dll in my path
It does seem that the default is LZMA2 now.
But... you have this in the source:
T7zCompressionMethod = (m7Copy, m7LZMA, m7BZip2, m7PPMd, m7Deflate, m7Deflate64);
m7LZMA will default to LZMA2 now.
How would you force LZMA then?
It still might not be a problem with the 7z.dll itself but with the passing of LZMA (and not the default) to that newer DLL.
In your case the m7LZMA should be probably be m7LZMA_default (or m7LZMA2) and you need to add a m7LZMA_old or something.
But I'm not sure what the correct value for property 0 is for LZMA.
T7zCompressionMethod = (m7Copy, m7LZMA, m7BZip2, m7PPMd, m7Deflate, m7Deflate64); // <-------
procedure SevenZipSetCompressionMethod(Arch: I7zOutArchive; method: T7zCompressionMethod);
Arch.SetPropertie('0', SevCompressionMethod[method]);