Typos. Pardon please.
The field length is set to 10 characters (string). That works perfectly if you edit inside the connected Tdbgrid, but not in the connected Tdblookupcombobox.
so I tried to limit the typing to :
procedure TForm1.DBLookupComboBox3KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
if not (Key in ['0'..'9', '.', #8, #9]) then Key := #0;
That works in e.g. Tedit, but not here.
The Maxlength is not a Property of the control, and trying to do that with my limited skills had proven disastrous.
I am starting to wonder if it would not be simpler to use a normal Tcombobox and run a loop through the records to populate the Cellnumbers?
What would you have done?