I am trying to build the current version of fpc which I downloaded via git: (git clone
https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source.git) I am using the version of fpc that comes with the Lazarus 3.4 installer. I run make clean and then run make all.
Both commands completes without errors.
I then run: make install INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\fpc\
This stops with the following error:
Entering directory `C:/Users/jkotze/source/source/packages'
./fpmake.exe install --localunitdir=.. --os=win64 --cpu=x86_64 -o -Ur -o -Xs -o -O2 -o -n -o -dx86_64 -o -dRELEASE --compiler=C:/Users/jkotze/source/source/compiler/ppcx64.exe -bu --prefix=c:\fpc\ --baseinstalldir=c:\fpc\ -ie -fsp 0
Installing package bzip2
The installer encountered the following error:
Failed to create directory "C:\fpc --baseinstalldir=c:\fpc \units\x86_64-win64\bzip2\"
Does anyone know how to get past this error. Looks like the path that it wants to create has a space in it.