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Problem with pasting text/utf8 in DoubleCmd's internal editor
Problem with pasting text/utf8 in DoubleCmd's internal editor.
It is impossible to paste text from Terminology (EFL based terminal emulator, standard in the Enlightenment and Moksha Desktop Environments) - nothing appears/happens in DoubleCmd's internal editor.
Pasting text from Terminology into any other application/editor, eg. Leafpad, works fine.
Terminology version: 1.13.1 but also earlier.
Doublecmd version is 1.1.7.
A similar problem was reported in the past for editor Featherpad which was fixed by a change.
Hopefully a similar change can be created for DoubleCmd.
I don't want to assume, but if you're asking about Double Commander, it has an issues forum on github at:
You could ask there or post the bug.
This is indeed in Double Commander, but its internal editor is SynEdit based.
Seem that Terminology does not set correct mime types, I need a list of mimetypes when you try to paste that data.
List of mime types is set by Qt5 widgetset, not by DoubleCmd. Terminology sets the mime type as shown in the
>>Under X11, Terminology gives text/plain;charset=utf-8 as the MiIME type (or, at least, Qt sees it as such)
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