Since it seems to be a trending subject, a new OpenAPI client generator is now available for FPC: 
Here are some features of our OpenAPI code generator for Delphi and FPC:
- Fully OpenSource, both generator and generated source code
- Use high-level pascal records and dynamic arrays for "object" DTOs
- Use high-level pascal enumerations and sets for "enum" values
- Translate HTTP status error codes into high-level pascal Exceptions
- Recognize similar "properties" or "enum" to reuse the same pascal type
- Support of nested "$ref" for objects, parameters or types
- Support "allOf" attribute, with proper properties inheritance/overloading
- Support "oneOf" attribute, for strings or alternate record types
- Support of "in":"header" and "in":"cookie" parameter attributes
- Fallback to variant pascal type for "oneOf" or "anyOf" JSON values
- Generated source code units are very small and easy to use, read and debug
- Can generate very detailed comment documentation in the unit source code
- Tunable engine, with plenty of generation options (e.g. about verbosity)
- Leverage the mORMot RTTI and JSON kernel for its internal plumbing
- Compatible with FPC and oldest Delphi (7-2009)
- Tested with several Swagger 2 and OpenAPI 3 reference content
But still not fully compliant to all existing files: feedback is welcome!
The source code of the generator is a single unit: you will find several generated sample code units in the blog article, to make yourself your idea about the level of this little unit.
Feedback is welcome!