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UniqueInstance is not installed, which causes a problem when loading a project which requires it.
UniqueInstance is in the install list, but won't install.
These problems occur with Lazarus 3.4 and 3.2.

Lazarus 2 worked fine with this component.

Are there any suggestions?

From memory (and thats dodgy) UniqueIntance was all in one .pas file.  Grab the file from old install and put it with your project's source. Add it to you "use" iine. There is no GUI component so no advantage in having it "installed".



--- Quote from: Neville on September 05, 2024, 12:09:42 pm ---UniqueInstance is not installed, which causes a problem when loading a project which requires it.
UniqueInstance is in the install list, but won't install.
These problems occur with Lazarus 3.4 and 3.2.

Lazarus 2 worked fine with this component.

Are there any suggestions?

--- End quote ---

Not a part of a standard Lazarus install. Try contacting the project or owner.


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