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how to utilize customize form caption row

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I would like to utilize form caption row .

I mean I would like to customize caption of the form .

I have attached the screens  .

if anyone know . please guide me

IIRC, titlebar (with its systemmenu, caption and buttons) is "painted" by the OS, applying themes and what not.

That said: Probably best bet is custom drawn.

No idea how to do it. Never needed it, never will need it

Read this thread:,64113.0.html

On Windows you might want to look at WM_NCPAINT. As I recall, handling that message should let you draw in the title bar, but I'm afraid I can't remember how, or exactly what you are able to do - it's been a long, long time since I needed it.

You can do BorderStyle := bsNone, put a TPanel on your Form, set it to Align := alTop and make it look and work like a real Titlebar.


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