Thanks Zvoni, Mark,
Can you "debug" during "manual" switch?
Say, check the Value of DefaultMonitor, Owner, parent (and other "suspects") before the switch, then check it again after the manual switch (CTRL+SHIFT+PageUp/Down?)
Hmm, I had an old test project from last time I tried this. Form2 left:632 DFM:dmActiveForm POS:poDesigned STY:fsNormal
(DFM, default monitor, POS, Position, Sty, FormStyle) - they don't change. I had not tried Owner nor Parent but just now, seems 'Name' is not valid ?? Either triggers an access violation.
// writeln(' OWN:', self.Owner.Name);
// writeln(' PNT:', self.Parent.Name);
But poking around, I did find that calling ~.Hide;; actually brings it to the current workspace. If its already in the current workspace, it flickers. Not sure I like that, if someone has selected it, (in my case, from a menu from the SystemTrayIcon) its because they are looking for it, so, maybe that flicker is a good thing, it says, here, over here !
But sometimes, again, in my case, the window can be a bit slow to render because it has a lot of (marked up text) content, "further research is indicated".
Mark :Second time I have have seen you mention this "virtual desktop" idea on Windows ? Is it common ? I don't think I have ever seen it used on Windows ....