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Whats Diffrence on components Lazarus and Typhon


Juts question i tested a component dbcontrolgrid on lazarus for some bug don't show the information of registers as must be, so did same test on codetypon and component work fine... why is big question suppose install on line is the last version of component.....

I tried to compile component of lazarsu from codetyphon but got a lot missing units...

You can see attach i put on previous  post about dbcontrolgrid...,68350.0.html

The DBControlGrid extracted from the CodeTyphon zip is identical with the DBControlGrid found at the author's site ( The version in OPM, however, is slightly different. So, maybe you should download the IBControls folder from above site as well as the ibcontrols.lpk. Then load ibcontrols.lpk in "Package" > "Open package file" and try to "Compile". If it works you should try "Use" > "Install" which installs the IBControls. When the IDE restarts you should have the author's original version on the component palette. If it does not work ask again.

OK thanks let me tried that and test....

Well i did download packages and install if the dbcontrolgrid is on form not problem show information great, but when you put dbcontrlgrid on tabpage  is the problem , i attached a sample with tpage and you can see how looks... some body knew about this fact...


--- Quote from: eldonfsr on September 01, 2024, 05:33:49 pm ---I tried to compile component of lazarus from codetyphon but got a lot missing units...
--- End quote ---
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