Hello, I downloaded the last version, and I got the following error
d2bridgeframeworkwizard.pas(11,3) Error: No puedo encontrar D2Bridge.NewProject.Wizard.FPC utilizado por d2bridgeframeworkwizard, ppu incompatible=C:\Users\user\Downloads\LazarusPreview1_7\Wizard\LPK\lazarus\4.0\lib\x86_64-win64\d2bridge.newproject.wizard.fpc.ppu, paquete d2bridgeframeworkwizard
FPC can't not find this file: D2Bridge.NewProject.Wizard.FPC
I searched on the folders and I didn't find it.
Also I took a look to the installWizzardLog and I read that the same error happend when I ran the wizzard. I attacht the log file.
Today D2Bridge Framework 1.7.0 for Lazarus Preview has been updated
D2Bridge in Preview version is only compatible with the official Lazarus IDE as below:
- Lazarus 3.4 win32
- Lazarus 3.4 win64
- Lazarus 3.6 win32
- Lazarus 3.6 win64
- Lazarus 3.8 win32
- Lazarus 3.8 win64
- Lazarus 4.0 RC2 win32
- Lazarus 4.0 RC2 win64
Full ChangeLog
💡 New update 💡
D2Bridge Framework 1.7.0 for Lazarus Preview
Another important update for stability that brings more reliability in session isolation
+ Added support for:
Lazarus 3.8 Win32 and Win64
Lazarus 4.0RC2 Win32 and Win64
- Removed support for:
Lazarus 4.0 RC1 Win32 and Win64
## FIX ##
- Fixed compilation of new projects where Debug could generate compilation error
- Improved stability and security
- Fixed session closing where in specific circumstances a session could remain active even after exceeding the Timeout time
- Fixed where the processing of a specific Thread could occur in another Thread
- Better session isolation
- Fixed where changing the visibility of a component that was inside a FormGroup + Popup + Nested could not allow visibility correctly
- Fixed where the event was not called OnDestroy in the *Session project unit when destroying a session
- Fixed what could put a session in Idle (if active) even though it was active
- Fixed where some sessions under specific situations could remain open if they were not fully loaded
- Stability for the use of Idle where the application could crash if the Idle time was wrong
- Fixed the calculation of the session's open activity time where it is updated in the operations of sending data to the Server Side
- It was implemented that the VCL Styles properties (Component Color, Font Color, Font Style and Alignment) are now changeable at runtime, something changed in the VCL and the change is also sent to the Web
- When in the console server if the timer is set to 1000 instead of 100 it brings a slight improvement in processing