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SPKToolbar change form size


please help and guide me

i use SPKToolbar in my form.
when my form in maximum , the SPKToolbar is ok
but when i change my form size the spktoolbar do not show correctly 

I don't understand. What's wrong with the second screenshot? I see that the windows size is narrower, and part of the SpkToolbar is truncated. But that's the way it is, SpkToolbar does not have some kind of scrolling mechanism or reduction of visible buttons and panels. I am aware that there is a feature request on sourceforge (, but it's at the lower end of my priority list. Maybe somebody else wants to do it?

for example in Excel
1 - in normal view , i see all panes
2 - when i changed size , i see a button for expand panes.

As I wrote, this feature is not implemented in the current version. "Somebody" should write it...


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