Forum > Databases

[SOLVED]Update large batch of records keeps, stop exception at different points

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What I can do:
Window 10@64bit
Lazarus 3.2
Database MS Jeti with *.mdb format
Problem: big data base with 3650+ records
need to update all the records on two fields that always change

field Order is integer
field bal is float

--- Code: Pascal  [+][-]window.onload = function(){var x1 = document.getElementById("main_content_section"); if (x1) { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("geshi");for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.maxHeight='none'; x[i].style.height = Math.min(x[i].clientHeight+15,306)+'px'; x[i].style.resize = "vertical";}};} ---//...............Type  TCheckRowData =Record                   r:integer;                   n:string;                   d:TDate;      //chkDate                   p:string;                   m:String;                   pr:String;    //CHKPurpose                   Db:Real;      //chkDebit                   cl:String;    //CHKCL                   cr:Real;      //CHKDep                   b:real;       //chkBal                   o:integer;    //CHKOrder                  end;VAR chk:TCheckRowData;         //...............Procedure TForm1.ReadCHKRec;begin with DBGrid2.DataSource.Dataset do  begin   CHK.r:=RecNo;   CHK.n:=FieldByName('CK_Num').AsAnsiString;   CHK.d:=TRUNC(FieldByName('CK_Date').AsDateTime);   CHK.p:=FieldByName('CK_PaidTo').AsAnsiString;   CHK.m:=FieldByName('CK_Memo').AsAnsiString;'CK_Purpose').AsAnsiString;   CHK.Db:=FieldByName('CK_Debit').AsFloat;'CK_CLR').AsAnsiString,1);'CK_Dep').AsFloat;   CHK.b:=FieldByName('CK_Bal').AsFloat;   CHK.o:=FieldByName('ck_Order').AsInteger;  end;end;//...............procedure TForm1.DoRunUpdate(aStart: integer);var o,x,r:Integer; b:real;begin// DBGrid2.BeginUpdate;   SQLEventsActive(false);  //turn off all events on Query and Dataset aStart:=aStart+32; if aStart>DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet.RecordCount then  aStart:=DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet.RecordCount;{sorted Desend so most current on top} for x:=aStart downto 1 do  begin   DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet.RecNo:=x; //---------------------sometime stop exception here   ReadCHKRec;   r:=CHK.r;   if x=aStart then     begin      if r=x then       begin;        o:=0;       end     else      begin       b:=CHK.b;       o:=CHK.o;      end;     end   else     begin;      o:=o+OrderSpace;      DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet.Edit;      DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('CK_Bal').AsFloat:=b;      DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('ck_Order').AsInteger:=o;      if DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet.State in [dsInsert,dsEdit] then       DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet.Post; //-------------------sometimes stop exception here      CHKSQLQuery.ApplyUpdates;      //CHKSQLQuery.Close;      SQLTransaction1.CommitRetaining;     end;   DBGrid2.Refresh;  end;// DBGrid2.EndUpdate;  DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet.RecNo:=r; SQLEventsActive(TRUE);end;

I have tested the errors and checked the RecNo and it stops at different records processing cycles and errors out at aroun 145~271 range of processed records.

Get this error........

the search results so far talk more about one or a few records but not a big batch.

I am not sure if it still applies now but in the past I frequently had problems with Access mdb database, a simply compact and repair always fixed the problems.

What I can do:
Hey Handoko, Greetings...

--- Quote ---a simply compact and repair
--- End quote ---
:D is that some sort of Pascal code procedure or SQL scrip, or a painful reminder with the consequences of using outdated engines. still made me smile.

Can this be done with script, or a Component Set installed.
or is this the Big SQL3 engine rewrite...

To do the compact and repair, start the Microsoft Access. In the menu, you can find the Compact and Repair.

Can it be done using a script or component?
I am not sure. I have abandoned Access database for a very long time, if I remember correctly last time I used it was in 2000.

What I can do:
OK, I tested a few SQL3 one labeled in the examples but it turned out to be DBase. I found a online package but it crashed my system so hard I had to remove and install lazarus again.
What do you suggest as a package and or examples to learn from.


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